Wednesday 13 February 2013

Evaluation of Representation in Coursework

Evaluating the representation of a specific social group in my piece
  • Throughout the first 2 minutes of our filming the two sisters are represented as vulnerable and weak, however they are seen as rebellious and mischievous at the same time. 

  • Therefore our film offers a mixed representationof women.  There are only female characters shown in the first two minutes of our film. The mother is portrayed as a wicked mother which taps into a classical female stereotype of the evil older woman carrying out a revenge on younger women. 

Close attention paid to sisters and their relationship
  • The sisters are represented in a positive way where the audiences feel sympathetic towards them.  This is reinforced through the dialogue used, costume and the camera angles used. For example there is a use of POV shots, to allow the audience to feel more emotionally attached to the young girls. The teenage girls also receive the most screen time, therefore allowing the audience to feel sympathetic to these characters. They talk about missing their dad and not being sure what happened to him, making them seem alone and vulnerable.

Shows relationship and huddling under blanket suggests vulnerability
  • When filming the opening sequence we weren't focusing on how we would represent the teenage girls and the mother in the story. We were just trying to create an interesting narrative. It is only looking back that we see that we have used an almost fairytale like narrative with the children being slightly scared of an older woman who seems friendly on the surface but might not be.
  • Our film has many stereotypical elements. It starts off with the two young girls arguing over a letter. Teenage girls are often represented as argumentative and catty as shown in the first two minutes of the film. Our film has a similar representation to the film 'Mothers Day' where there are teenagers who also behave in this stereotypical spoilt way as well as a mother who is the murderer. They have portrayed the teenagers in the same way we have, such as being argumentative and mischievous teens. This is both a common media stereotype and an important narrative one - if they weren't like this, they wouldn't be curious or disobedient enough to go into the room they've been banned from.
  • Having a young cast of mostly teenagers/ children is often found in psychological thriller films. This relates back to the idea that they often seen as more susceptible and young, therefore they fit into a perfect victim role. These teenage girls are arguing which gives a sense that they almost deserve to get in trouble. Lacey suggests that horro films act as a collective revenge on women and teenagers, and the same might be true of thrillers. This reinforced in our extract by using actresses that are young and look vulnerable and are conveyed to be innocent through dialogue e.g. the soft converation on the sofa.
Shows curiosity and disobedience
  • Teenagers are represented in two different ways in thriller films; there are usually the vulnerable and weak youngsters however there are also the types that are ignorant and rude. On the other hand in a lot of thrillers there is usually a teenager who is conveyed as the killer that is seen as out of control and is a threat to the people around them.For example in the film Adulthood teenagers are represented as villains and disrespectful.

  • Where as on the other hand teenagers are represented as vulnerable and weak, as seen in the film 'Insidious'.

  • We have combined these two representations to create characters who are sympathetic enough for the audience to care what happens to them but rebellious enough to move the plot on and provide action.
  • On the other hand through the first 2 minutes of our film, the mother is represented in an ambiguous way, which allows the audience to wonder what her role will be. She does not necessarily do anything bad, but it allows the audience to get a sense of what parent she could be through the use of music in particular as the non-diegetic track that plays whenever she appears is quite sinister, and we also see that the girls are scared of her reaction if she catches them by the door. She is making soup for them which seems loving, but might be more sinister.

Loving and kind mother from "Twilight"

Violent mother from "Take the Lead"
  • There are two main media stereotypes of parents, there are usually parents who are portrayed as loving and generous  to their children, often seen as responsible careers and there are also abusive parents at the same time who are against everything their children do. In this film we have represented the mother as a parent with psychological issues that will arise later on in the film. This is due to her abnormal behaviour that she is conveying to the audience in the beginning of the first two minutes. 

Soup making seems sinister


Visit to mysterious grave

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