Wednesday 21 November 2012

Camera Movements Task



Film a conversation using:

Establishing shot that zooms in

Panning shot to show character 2’s arrival

Shot / reverse shot not equal distance representing one character as less prominent / lower status

Arc shot / 360 shot – character 2’s reactions to dramatic news

Tracking shot as character 2 runs off.

Objective: to practise camera movements and evaluate technical issues around them / pros and cons for their use.

This was a task we were set because we planned a lot of camera movements into our original storyboard. This is because we were drawing on films we had seen in a similar genre where camera movement is used to keep the audience alert and make them wonder what is going on around the camera. However, we also know that when you don't have proper equipment, these shots are hard to achieve. From trying out shots that use camera movements we have decided that we might be able to achieve a reasonable tracking shot if we keep the camera on the tripod and use the tripod legs almost as a steadicam. We will have to have a lot of takes and choose the person with the steadiest hands. We also think that zooms are possible although they take a lot of practice. We want to zoom into the door at one point, and into the mother's eyes at another, so we will need to practice this a lot.


  1. Was a slight jump in the editing and we recognised that. I think we generally did a good job, need to practice our tracking shots though

  2. I personally thought that this was a good task, to help us with shots that we may stuggle with in our final piece. As Sarah said it was very jumpy, however we need to be aware of this for our final piece. Leah Zalani

  3. The beginning panning shot I feel is really impressive. Lewis did a good job of making it smooth and at the correct speed so the film didn't blur. The continuity of me walking through the door and then towards Leah also flows really well. There are several jumps, and the shot reverse shot of the conversation doesn't really work and the camera should move to and from each person with every line of dialogue. However the tracking shot went well, and all together I think we did a good job. We just have to focus on the shot reverse shot technique, and to make sure there aren't any jumps after we have edited.
