Sunday 4 November 2012

Ideas for First Two Minutes


·         The first shot of the film will be our logo of ‘Tick Tock Media’ with the sound of a clock ticking over it. This is to create the right professional feel to our film. It also allows the audience to settle into viewing without missing anything important.

·         Immediately after, there will be a shot of a door at the end of the corridor. The end of the corridor will be darker than the rest to give it an eerie look. The reason this is going to be the first shot is to create a sense of mystery and to highlight that this is a key place in the film.

·         Then it will cut to a long shot of the mum walking through a graveyard, and over to the graves of her family and placing the roses down on each stone one by one. The shot of the roses being placed will be a close up.

·         Whilst the mum is at the graveyard, the two remaining children are playing hide and seek in the house. This gives us a chance to follow the girls around the house. Whilst this lets us have an insight to the girls lives, it also lets us establish one of the films settings.

·         The oldest daughter is looking for the younger one in their mum’s bedroom and notices a photo slightly out of place to the rest of them with her on the part of the photo that is showing. A close up will be used to put emphasis on that photo, the girl will look confused and go to have a look at it but the younger girl will ran past the door behind her and she will start chasing her.

·         A shot of the door will be used again, but this time the girls will run past the camera over to the door where the older one will stop her and tell her that the room is forbidden, letting the audience know that there is something important or relevant about that room.


  1. Liking the whole idea of your storyboard lewis, i think we should let the audience see the actual WHOLE photo though to dramatise that something isn't right within the family...

  2. We need to becareful not to give away to much,but enough to catch the audiences attention. Very good Lewis i like your idea, i think we could combined all of our ideas to make our piece effective. leah zalani
