Sunday 4 November 2012

Ideas for Whole Film Plot


The first two minutes gives you a brief insight of the family and the problem, which is the door. The mother isn’t normal, she loves her kids, but we find during the rest of the story she isn’t normal.
Main things that happen:

  • As Erin hides in airing cupboard from Issy, a hand of a dead body dangles above her head. She doesn’t notice.
  • Issy becomes more intrigued with the photo she searches for more and is successful, this time she sees the knife mark on more of her families faces.
  • A foul smell comes from the forbidden room, Issys mum takes Erin out, Issy searches for the key for the door.
  • Her mum arrives back and Issy manages to grab a book below her mothers bed.
  • The book contains all the murders, words, and anger from someone.
  • Every morning we find Issys mum enter the forbidden door with bread and a foul stew as if she is going to feed someone else.
  • Issys mum goes out whilst Issy is doing her homework in her bedroom, Issy finds the key which is old and brown and walks towards the door.
  • She knows what is before her, the door opens and the stench enters her nose.
  • She creeps down the stairs, as it led to an unknown basement with a steal door. She used the silver key next to the first one.
  • The door opens and a man is sleeping In a metal cage, his mouth is bloody and red. To the right there are clothes and jewellery, seeming to belong to many other people.
  • Issy screams and tries to run out. The man wakes up, Issy looks up the stairs and there is a woman’s figure…her mum’s figure.
  • The man reaches to Issy, as her mum walks down the stairs towards her with a knife.
  • Her mum confronts her and Issy tells her about everything, the photo the suspicions and asks where her father is, little did she know he was behind her in the metal cage.
  • Her father had become abnormally deranged with killing people, he became a cannibal. Issy’s mum and him never got on with their families and felt left out and unloved, they decided to seek revenge. Issy’s father became too obsessed and was forced to be locked away. Issy’s mum loves her husband, so she feeds him with what he loves most. Human meat. But locks him away as he would be out of control if let out.
  • Issy’s mum explains in a creepy way, as Issy turns pale and faints.
  • The story then ends with a POV of Issy waking up in a metal cage as a hand comes across onto her shoulder and a man’s voice whispers her name.
  • THE END. Who knows what happened next? Where did Erin go? What happens to Isabelle?

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