Sunday 4 November 2012

Ideas for Film Outline

Story board for my final piece


·         I would like to base my story board around a sinister and a horror genre, this is because I think we could make it very professional with a wide range of camera angles, editing, sound and the use of mise en- scene.

·         The film should start with an establishing shot of the house, allowing the audience to orientate themselves and get a sense of where the action is going to take place.

·         This should be followed by the use of non-diegetic sound with a sinister like music when the opening establishing shot is shown, this will also convey to the audience what type of film this is.

·         The casting in the first 2 minutes of our film will be a mother seen to be a single parent and two young girls. This is all the character that will be shown in our first 2 minutes. This will also convey that these actresses are main characters by the amount of screen time that they will be given in the first 2 minutes.

·         The main objective of this film would be about the past deaths in the family, which showed that the mother was the murderer. This was due to the older sister finding a photo of certain family member’s faces being scratched out. The young children try and prove that the mother is guilty and finally get their mother arrested however they find out later in the film that it was the gardener who had set the mother up.

·         After the establishing shot there then will be a long angled shot of the mother filmed at a grave yard putting down flowers, I think it would be a good idea to use dynamic cutting and then there could be shots of the children playing in the house. This could cut backwards and forwards between the grave yard and the children, this also allows the audience to see that there is a relationship between the mother and her children. This would be very successful for the opening part as it creates a montage effect.

·         After this has been filmed I think it would be very effective is we used an over shoulder shot of the young girl having a conversion, this will allow the audience to sympathise with the characters.

·         Dialogue – Is used to helping the audience to get a sense of what the film is about.

·         Older sister - “ no, mother told us not to go into that room”

·         There could them be a POV shot from the younger sister perspective to allow the audience to see what the character is seeing and help them experience the action with the character.

·         This could be followed by a high angled shot of the mother walking into the house; this could be used to distance the audience from what they are seeing.

·         The older sister then would go into the mother’s room and a photo out of place, when looking at the photo to her surprise she finds that past family member faces have been crossed out, the ones that are no longer alive. We could use a POV shot of the image to allow the audience to sympathise with the character.

·         Dialogue would then be added –

·         The older sister “ come over here Shannon look at this”

·         This could be followed by a canted angle shot to show that something is wrong and that the character is confused and disorientated, also conveying that those things are not the way they should be.

·         This could be followed by more dialogue

·         Mother – “Dinner ready”

·         To end our final few second of our extract we could then have a close up of the children’s face to show their facial expression and reactions.

·         After this there could be a use of the transition fade to black to allow the audience to see that something conveying the end of something.

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