Sunday 4 November 2012

Storyboard Ideas


·         The first shot of the film will be the logo we made called ‘Tick Tock Media’ with the sound of a clock ticking as we designed.

·         Precisely when the logo animation ends I'd like the screen to fade to black with a pause to create tension, already showing the film is dark. After that there will be a POV long shot of a door at the end of the corridor, this door is significant in the film, hence why I would like it to be the first shot. Then fade to black then onto another POV shot of a child’s hand on the door handle. This is relevant if the rest of the film would be made as well as giving it a sense of mystery, I'd then like it to fade to black again to make the film more tense and leave the viewer wondering why they are seeing so little at a time.

·         The corridor will be made bare, no objects such as pictures in the corridor to make it look isolated to the other part of the family house, this raises suspicion, I think we should also edit the corridor if we can to make the contrast darker to show a scary effect.

·         The next shot will cross-cut and cut to a long shot of the mum walking through an empty graveyard, looking emotionless at each grave, each 3 graves she places a flower on, raising a suspicion of deaths, possibly murders…I’d like the fade to black immediately after each rose is placed one each grave to show an emotionless effect.

·         We will then cut back to the house where we find the who young daughters stereotypically playing hide and seek. As children do they mess things up, the youngest daughter hides under the bed, but finds a photo under her mothers bed. We will use a close up to show the emotion before we see what the picture contains.

·         The older daughter laughs and shouts ‘coming to find you!’ she walks into her mothers bedroom and finds her sister sitting on the bed. She’s confused and rushes towards her and grabs the photo, we then again have a close up or an extreme close up to see her emotion.

·         We finally see the photo with a POV close up of the older daughter. Her family have been crossed out, with what looks to be a knife, apart from her mother.

·         It then quickly fades to black. We then have another shot of the door in the corridor, and have dialogue of the girls playing again with just the shot of the door.

·         We will then move the camera where the door is and get a long shot of the girls running towards the door, the youngest reaches out to the handle, but the oldest shouts immediately and says ‘stop. Mum says were not allowed in there’ The scene ends with both the girls staring at the door, then slowly fades to black.


  1. We need to figure how to do the high angle shot of the mum walking through the grave yard and make sure our continuity is gooood

  2. We need to figure how to do the high angle shot of the mum walking through the grave yard and make sure our continuity is gooood

  3. Yes, indeed, not sure if the high angle will work, we will need to sort out a step ladder! Id prefer a canted angle to show confusion why she is at the graves

  4. Your idea about showing the door at the start of the film is really effective because it gives the audience an idea that the door is going to be significant to the film
    Shannon Dunne

  5. This is a good outline to what needs to be done, howvever we could also focus on other elements. We could use a step ladder and it is essential that we ask premission to use this location. Leah Zalani
