Thursday 15 November 2012

Titles and Credits - Lewis Todesco

Summary of Findings

Most of the films I looked at had the credits at the start of the film and playing through the opening minutes. They went on for longer than I had realised - this is something you don't really notice when just watching as a normal viewer.

Most of the films I looked at also had the credits played over the action rather than as separate slides to break up the action. This is probably because there was a tense atmosphere being created and continuity if viewing is needed to draw the audience on and engage them in the world of the story.

The font and colour usually resembled the style of film it would be, for example, red in colour and in a gothic style for ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ which conveys the creepy atmosphere. We will have to be careful what font we choose to create the same effect.

For our genre not many credits are used as in some other genres, mainly just the title and the companies involved. Most of the time, the actors are not named. This could be to give the audience the chance to believe in the characters as 'real' so they are more invested in them.

Music plays a key role during the opening as atmospheric non-diegetic music is played over the top to set the mood and tone of the film.

Different genres of films play the credits at different times and vary from film to film. Our genre seems to put the credits at the beginning and have the title coming in later, whereas this is reversed in e.g. rom-com. The title coming in can also be used to create a 'jump' effect e.g. 'Cabin in the Woods'.

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